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编    号: 114111
著 作 者: 张文著
出 版 社: 科学出版社
书    号: 9787030168412
出版日期: 2006-6-1
市 场 价: ¥98 元
书 店 价: ¥93.1 元
立即节省: ¥4.9 元
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第1篇 化学教育
1.1 化学专业课程体系设计
1.2 北京大学化学基地建设的实践与体会
1.3 分析化学教学改革与人才培养
第2篇 综述
2.1 分析化学概述
2.2 某些滥用药物分析的进展
2.3 药物免疫分析及其进展
2.4 稀土螯合物探针及其在时间分辨荧光免疫分析中的应用
2.5 脂质体放大免疫分析的进展
2.6 NIPA系温度敏感水凝胶及分析应用
2.7 小分子发光免疫分析及其进展
2.8 胶体金免疫分析方法的进展
2.9 蛋白芯片研究进展
2.10 酚类环境雌激素的分析研究进展
2.11 EPO检测技术的研究进展
2.12 兴奋剂——禁用物质及禁用手段简介
2.13 兴奋剂检测与分析化学的发展
2.14 中药指纹图谱技术
2.15 生化探针技术
第3篇 研究论文
3.1 催化显色反应的研究—— V.Nb(Ⅴ),Ta(Ⅴ)邻氨基苯酚过氧化氢酒石酸体系
3.2 分光光度法测定金属中痕量铝
3.3 4,4′-二(二乙氨基)苯硫酮和Triton X 100分光光度测定钯
3.4 利用4,4-二(二乙氨基)苯硫酮和Triton X 100分光光度法测定银
3.5 铂(Ⅱ)与4,4′双(二甲胺)二苯甲硫酮显色反应的研究
3.6 痕量铜的催化光度测定
3.7 催化显色反应的研究——X.铜(Ⅱ)没食子酸-过氧化氢-活化剂体系
3.8 4,4′-二(二乙氨基)二苯硫酮与铂(Ⅱ)显色反应的研究
3.9 4,4′-二(二乙氨基)二苯硫酮分光光度法测定铑
3.10 Determination of Platinum(Ⅳ) with Silver (Ⅰ)and 4,4′-Bis(diethylamino)Thiobenzophenone
3.11 模拟过氧化物酶用于葡萄糖的测定方法研究
3.12 Spectrofluorimetric Determination of Tetracycline and Anhydrotetracycline in Serum and Urine
3.13 Fluorimetric Determination of Tetracycline and Anhydrotetracycline
3.14 4,4′-二(二乙氨基)二苯硫酮分光光度法测定痕量铜
3.15 镧系螯合物荧光免疫分析法测定对硫磷
3.16 Preliminary Studies on the Immunochemical Behavior of BSA TTA Eu Conjugates
3.17 吗啡的化学发光测定方法的研究
3.18 Double label Simultaneous Time resolved Fluoroimmunoassay of Phenytoin and Phenobarbital
3.19 高分子控温相变免疫分析法测定苯妥因
3.20 Liposome Immunoassay for Determination of Phenytoin
3.21 时间分辨荧光免疫分析法直接测定雌二醇
3.22 Thermally Reversible Hydrogel Based Fluoroimmunoassay of Methyltestosterone
3.23 甲基睾酮的控温相分离免疫分析
3.24 甲基睾酮的控温相分离荧光免疫分析
3.25 A New Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Aniline in Environmental Water Samples
3.26 Thermally Reversible Hydrogel Modified Capillary Electrophoretic Immunoassay of Estradiol with Laser induced Fluorescence Detection
3.27 水杨酸及其氯代物的毛细管电泳分析研究
3.28 吗啡的控温相分离胶体金标记免疫分析
3.29 时间分辨荧光免疫分析法间接测定雌二醇
3.30 A Phase Separation Fluoroimmunoassay of Estradiol
3.31 生物素亲和素体系测定雌酮
3.32 Enhancement of the Sensitivity of a Capillary Electrophoresis Immunoassay for Estradiol with Laser induced Fluorescence Based on a Fluorescein labeled Secondary Antibody
3.33 Ricin Determination by Temperature Controlled Phase separation Immunoassay
3.34 Spectrophotometric Determination of Aniline in Polluted Surface WaterZZnd Wastewater improved Reagents in Test Kit Format
3.35 Production and Characterization of Anti estrone Monoclonal Antibody
3.36 基于温度敏感水凝胶的雌二醇荧光免疫分析
3.37 水中苯胺类化合物的分光光度法测定
3.38 二元共聚物热解碳包覆的石墨负极材料
3.39 雌三醇单克隆抗体的制备与表征
3.40 A New Competitive Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay(ELISA) for Determination of Estrogenic Bisphenols
3.41 Development and Characterization of an Immunoaffinity Column for the Selective Extraction of Bisphenol A from Serum Samples
3.42 控温相变免疫分析测定雌酮
3.43 粒度对石墨负极材料嵌锂性能的影响
3.44 毛细管电泳免疫分析法分析雌三醇
3.45 Rapid and Sensitive Determination of Protein by Light scattering Technique with Eriochrome Blue Black R
3.46 电感耦合等离子发射光谱法测定血清及组织中铂类药物
3.47 Simultaneous Separation and Determination of Five Bioactive Components in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Formula, Guanxin Ⅱ,by HPLC
3.48 Direct Immunoassay of Estriol in Pregnancy Serum by Capillary Electropho resis with Laser induced Fluorescence Detector
3.49 Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution of iv Injection of Polyphase Liposome encapsulated Cisplatin(KM 1) in Rats
3.50 双酚A分子印迹聚合物的制备和识别性能研究
3.51 Sensitive ELISA for Determination of Serum E2 Using a New Tracer E2 Biotin
3.52 Production and Characterization of Antirecombinant Human Erythropo ietin(rhEPO) Monoclonal Antibody
3.53 减肥保健品中芬氟拉明等8种合成食欲抑制剂的分析测定
3.54 反相高效液相色谱法测定葛根素和大豆苷元
3.55 Micelle mediated Extraction of Tanshinones from Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge with Analysis by High performance Liquid Chromatography
3.56 RP HPLC Determination of Octanol water Partition Coefficients for Bio active Compounds from Chinese Herbal Medicines
3.57 Comparison of Microwave assisted and Ultrasound assisted Extraction for Determi nation of Main Water soluble Bioactive Constituents in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparation Tongmaichongji by HPLC DAD
3.58 酶联免疫分析结合生物素亲合素放大体系测定血清中的雌三醇
3.59 Different Biotinylation Strategies for Competitive Immunoassay of Estradiol
3.60 Study of Immunoassay Methods for Recombinant Human Erythro poietin(rhEPO)Using Competitive ELISA
3.61 Simultaneous Separation and Determination of Four Bioactive Constituents in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Tablet Xinkeshu by HPLC DAD
3.62 Determination of Papaverine by Biotin avidin Amplified ELISA
3.63 Biotin avidin Amplified Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay for Determination of Isoflavone Daidzein
3.64 Simultaneous Determination of Cryptotanshinone, Tanshinone Ⅰ and Tanshinone ⅡA in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparations Containing Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza by HPLC
3.65 Simultaneous Determination of Five Marker Constituents in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Preparation Le Mai Granule by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
3.66 Development of an Indirect Competitive ELISA for the Determination of Papaverine
3.67 Analysis of Isoflavone Daidzein in Puerariae radix with Micelle mediated Extraction and Preconcentration
3.68 Isolation and Characterization of an Anti recombinant Erythropoietin Single chain Antibody Fragment Using a Phage Display Antibody Library
附录 1 编译著目录
附录 2 “非放射免疫分析的应用基础研究”工作小结
附录 3 常文保教授生平



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